例句:The scientist hypothesized that the new drug would be effective.
字彙 4: premise n. 前提、假設
例句:The argument is based on a false premise.
字彙 5: catalyst n. 催化劑、促進劑
例句:The new technology acted as a catalyst for innovation.
單字 同義字 近義字 反義字
comprehend v. understand grasp misunderstand examine v. analyze investigate ignore assume v. hypothesize speculate disprove foundation n. premise basis destruction stimulant n. catalyst incentive depressant
1. 閱讀理解:
I had an intuitive grasp of the concept before I even read the text.
=> 還沒讀文章前,我就已經直覺性地了解了這個概念。
2. 寫作:
The researcher meticulously analyzed the data and hypothesized that the new treatment would be successful.
=> 研究員仔細地分析了資料,並假設新的治療方式會成功。
3. 口說:
The premise of the argument is flawed, so the conclusion is not valid.
=> 這個論點的論據有缺陷,因此結論不成立。
4. 聽力:
The teacher used a catalyst to stimulate student interest in the topic.